A Partner In Your Community
GoldStar Transit offers complete, home-to-school transportation services for more than a dozen Texas communities. Partnering with GST offers cost and service advantages with uncompromising safety, quality, and reliability. While we operate locally, we pride ourselves on bringing a wealth of industry experience, state-of-the-art technology, and economies of scale to our local customers.
Look to our full service, contracted transportation option if you are seeking to upgrade your fleet and improve operational efficiency. We can purchase or lease your existing fleet, buy brand new vehicles at lower prices, maintain the vehicles, recruit and train staff, and manage all routing and scheduling for you. If your school district prefers to maintain ownership of the vehicles, GoldStar Transit can manage your operations and personnel while you own the assets.
Safe, secure, and on-time delivery of students
Comprehensive driver training emphasizing safety, care, and compassion
Student safety programs and community partnerships
Predictive and preventive vehicle maintenance programs for added safety